If you've been dealing with bunions and the associated pain, you may think that your only option is to have surgery. Indeed, bunion surgery can give you relief. But before you enjoy that relief, you need to go through a few weeks of discomfort and healing. If you can't afford to set aside that time right now, then you might be better off managing your bunions in a non-surgical way. Here are some options to explore.
Moleskin Pads
If most of your pain is superficial pain from your bunion rubbing against your shoe, then you may just need to purchase a few moleskins. These are patches of soft, padded material that you can adhere to the sore spots on your foot. They provide a barrier between the bunion and the shoe, helping to stop corns and blisters from forming. You'll have to put them on every day, which can be a bit of a hassle, but if you're consistent, you should experience relief.
Warm and Cold Treatment
You can use ice to ease your bunion pain or you can use heat treatments to ease your bunion pain. But a better option is to use both! In the morning, when your foot feels still and you are struggling to get going, soak your foot in a tub of warm water. This will get the circulation going and help loosen up the muscles around your bunions. At night, after a long day, you should soak your foot in ice water or apply an ice pack. This will help reduce inflammation around the bunion, taking the edge off the pain.
If moleskins alone are not doing it for you, see a podiatrist about making you a splint. This is essentially an apparatus that you wrap around your foot. It alters the way your foot sits in the shoe and the way you walk, with the goal being to prevent pressure from being put on the bunion. It can take a little time to get used to wearing a splint, and your foot may be sore in a different area as you adapt to walking a bit differently. However, after a week or two, you should have relief.
You may be able to put off surgery for a couple of years by employing these methods. Some patients with mild bunions can avoid surgery altogether.
If you have any additional questions about bunion treatment, talk to your local podiatrist.
Share15 July 2020
When I started working out every day, I encountered a strange problem. My feet always seemed to hurt, and I didn't know what to do. If it wasn't an ingrown toenail, it was a sore arch or a throbbing heel. Instead of writing off the problem as a simple inconvenience, I decided to meet with a podiatrist who could diagnose the issues. As I talked with the professional, I learned that my foot problems probably stemmed from different issues, and he targeted each one with a different treatment. After a few weeks, my feet felt a lot better. This blog is all about how a podiatrist can help you to solve your foot problems.